Buffalo (inc. hybrid varieties)
Almost all buffalo grasses sold today are soft leaf buffalo. Most are referred to by their brand names, such as Sapphire, Matilda, Sir Walter, Palmetto, Shademaster, ST Varieties and more.
These new buffalo strains are an improvement with softer feel, durability, shade tolerance and reduced invasiveness.
The new soft leaf buffalo grasses grow well in sandy, lightly salty, or alkaline soils. These grasses love full sun and some are capable of handling up to 70% shade, yet still considered a warm season grass.
All buffalo strains don’t have rhizomes (in ground runners), they only have stolons (above ground runners). This characteristic as well as the thick leaf makes buffalo distinguishable from other varieties. Buffalo lawns can’t be mowed too short as damage to these stolons will damage and possibly kill the lawn.
Ask us about buffalo grass weed identification and we can provide top-quality buffalo grass weed killer to keep your lawn looking and feeling healthy.