Nominee 500ml


Nominee 500ml

$215.00 inc. GST

2.5 -10ml per 100m2 with at least 2.5litres of water

Both Lawn and Weeds must be actively growing

Applied with a Fan nozzle with a medium sized droplet to the whole lawn (Not Spot Sprayed)

SKU: CNOMI.5 Categories: ,


Nominee is a post-emergent herbicide registered for the control and suppression of wintergrass (Poa annua) in creeping bentgrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and now in Couch Grass vareties.

Key benefits of Nominee
Nominee will also suppress seed head production by winter grass also.
Nominee displays excellent activity against emerged weeds, but has almost no pre-emergent activity
and will therefore not control weeds that germinate after application.
For best results, apply Nominee only when both turf and weeds are actively growing. Grass must not
be under any stress (including moisture, temperature, nutrition and stress from trafficking or mowing).
Irrigation is not required to activate Nominee. Turfgrass and sport fields should not be mowed or
irrigated for 24 hours after application in order to allow time for the active ingredient to be absorbed and
translocate within foliage.
Nominee has not been evaluated under all microclimates or against all biotypes of winter grass. Therefore performance may be less effective in some locations, and against some biotypes of this weed species.

Additional information

Weight .6 kg
Analysis: 100g/L bispryribac-sodiumProduct Details:

Nominee is a post-emergent herbicide registered for the control and suppression of wintergrass (Poa annua) in creeping bentgrass, tall fescue, perennial ryegrass and now in Couch Grass vareties.

Key benefits of Nominee
Nominee will also suppress seed head production by winter grass also.
Nominee displays excellent activity against emerged weeds, but has almost no pre-emergent activity
and will therefore not control weeds that germinate after application.
For best results, apply Nominee only when both turf and weeds are actively growing. Grass must not
be under any stress (including moisture, temperature, nutrition and stress from trafficking or mowing).
Irrigation is not required to activate Nominee. Turfgrass and sport fields should not be mowed or
irrigated for 24 hours after application in order to allow time for the active ingredient to be absorbed and
translocate within foliage.
Nominee has not been evaluated under all microclimates or against all biotypes of winter grass. Therefore performance may be less effective in some locations, and against some biotypes of this weed species.

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