Protected: Heritage MAXX 5 Ltr
Analysis: 95g/L AzoxystrobinProduct Details:
Heritage Maxx contains 95g/L azoxystrobin which combines systemic activity through xylem mobility, translaminar movement to encourage multi-site uptake and even distribution through the plant tissue ensuring that the new growth is protected for up to 28 days.
Heritage Maxx is best used in combination with a preventative program.
- Broad spectrum of major turf diseases including Pythium, Anthracnose, Brown Patch and Spring Dead Spot
- Consistent protection of new growth for up to 28 days after application
- Tank mixture with DACONIL WEATHER STIK combines systemic and contact action for high risk periods
- MAXX technology allows for excellent tank mix compatibility with other fungicides, PRIMO MAXX and foliar fertilisers
- Low odour, non-staining formulation
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