Protected: Headway MAXX 5 Ltr
Analysis: 62g/l Azoxystrobin, 104g/l PropiconazoleProduct Details:
For the broad spectrum control of various diseases of turf.
Headway Maxx combines the strength, longevity and broad spectrum of Heritage MAXX with the speed and early curative action of Banner Maxx in an unbeatable combination. Headway Maxx can be equally well used as part of an early curative solution as well as the subsequent longer term preventative plan.
- Broad spectrum of major turf diseases including Bipolaris, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Drechslera, Pythium Leaf Blight, Pythium Root Dysfunction, Root Decline, Spring Dead Spot
- Fast stopping power combined with long lasting residual control of new growth for up to 28 days
- Tank mixture with DACONIL WEATHER STIK combines systemic and contact action for high risk periods
MAXX technology allows for excellent tank mix compatibility with other fungicides, PRIMO MAXX and foliar fertilisers - Low odour, non-staining formulation
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