BroadForce MA


BroadForce MA

$35.00$66.00 inc. GST

Selective Broadleaf Herbicide safe for Buffalo 

SPRAYER: Use 30 mL per 5-10 L of water per 50 sqm.

WATERING CAN or SPRINKLER BAR: Use 30 mL per 10-20 L of water per 50 sqm.

Dilute according to directions, and then apply over the area specified. A second application may be necessary about 4 weeks after the first if weeds are well established.


BroadForce MA Selective Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 200g/L MCPA and 200g/L Bromoxynil, the same formulation as the popular Bin-Die.
It is registered for the control of a very broad range of dicot weeds in a large range of lawn situations. It is labelled for use on Buffalo, Couch, Qld Blue Couch, Kikuyu, Bent, Fescue, Paspalum and Ryegrass turf types.
BroadForce MA provides quick weed knockdown as well as being one of the broadest spectrum broadleaf weed herbicides available for the Lawn Care market. It is registered to control the following weeds: Bindi, Jo-Jo,
Cudweed, Dandelion, Catsear, Plantains, Thistles, Creeping Oxalis, Capeweed, Creeping Buttercup, Fleabane and Clover. BroadForce MA is available in 500mL and 1L pack sizes.

Key Features:

> Safe across a very broad range of lawns, including key varieties such as Buffalo.
> Registered for the control of 12 common broadleaf weeds.
> Works on difficult to control weeds such as Creeping Oxalis, Fleabane and Capeweed.
> Generally controls weeds within 7-21 days following application.
> Available in two pack sizes – 500mL which treats 800m2 and 1L which treats 1600m2.

How To Prepare:

Ensure correct dose rate is applied. Half fill the sprayer or watering can with water, add the required amount of product, agitate thoroughly then add the remainder of the water. Do not mix more thanis needed. Wash equipment thoroughly after use.

How To Apply:

Measure lawn area before application. Apply evenly over the area to be treated while weeds are actively growing. Weeds will die slowly; effects may take up to 3 weeks to appear. Repeat applications after 3 to 4 weeks may be necessary to control advanced weeds or certain types of clover. Slight browning of grass may occur under hot conditions.
Important application considerations are as follows:
> Avoid application during hot or windy conditions, or if rain is expected within 24 hours.
> Do not apply if shade temperatures are expected to exceed 30°C within a 72 hour period.
> Avoid application when soil is dry and lawn is suffering from moisture stress.
> Do not mow or fertilise for 7 days before or after application.

Analysis: 200g/L Bromoxynil + 200g/L MCPAProduct Details:

BroadForce MA Selective Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 200g/L MCPA and 200g/L Bromoxynil, the same formulation as the popular Bin-Die.
It is registered for the control of a very broad range of dicot weeds in a large range of lawn situations. It is labelled for use on Buffalo, Couch, Qld Blue Couch, Kikuyu, Bent, Fescue, Paspalum and Ryegrass turf types.
BroadForce MA provides quick weed knockdown as well as being one of the broadest spectrum broadleaf weed herbicides available for the Lawn Care market. It is registered to control the following weeds: Bindi, Jo-Jo,
Cudweed, Dandelion, Catsear, Plantains, Thistles, Creeping Oxalis, Capeweed, Creeping Buttercup, Fleabane and Clover. BroadForce MA is available in 500mL and 1L pack sizes.

Key Features:

> Safe across a very broad range of lawns, including key varieties such as Buffalo.
> Registered for the control of 12 common broadleaf weeds.
> Works on difficult to control weeds such as Creeping Oxalis, Fleabane and Capeweed.
> Generally controls weeds within 7-21 days following application.
> Available in two pack sizes – 500mL which treats 800m2 and 1L which treats 1600m2.

How To Prepare:

Ensure correct dose rate is applied. Half fill the sprayer or watering can with water, add the required amount of product, agitate thoroughly then add the remainder of the water. Do not mix more thanis needed. Wash equipment thoroughly after use.

How To Apply:

Measure lawn area before application. Apply evenly over the area to be treated while weeds are actively growing. Weeds will die slowly; effects may take up to 3 weeks to appear. Repeat applications after 3 to 4 weeks may be necessary to control advanced weeds or certain types of clover. Slight browning of grass may occur under hot conditions.
Important application considerations are as follows:
> Avoid application during hot or windy conditions, or if rain is expected within 24 hours.
> Do not apply if shade temperatures are expected to exceed 30°C within a 72 hour period.
> Avoid application when soil is dry and lawn is suffering from moisture stress.
> Do not mow or fertilise for 7 days before or after application.

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