Protected: Banner MAXX 5 Ltr


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Protected: Banner MAXX 5 Ltr

$374.00 inc. GST

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Available over the counter at Lawn Addicts.

Contact us for more information about Syngenta Professional Solutions

5 to 10 L/ha or 50 to 100 mL/100 m2,

applied with 350 -1000 lts/ha or 3.5 – 10lts/100m2

Refer to label

SKU: CBANN-5 Categories: ,
Analysis: 155 g/L PropiconazoleProduct Details:

For the broad spectrum control of various diseases of turf.

BANNER MAXX is an excellent choice to use early curatively, after first disease symptoms become evident. The fast absorption and systemic movement combines to ensure effective “stopping power” for early curative situations. Providing systemic broad spectrum control of major turf diseases including Dollar Spot, Winter Fusarium, and the ERI complex (Couchgrass Decline and Take-all Patch).  The lower rate of 5 L/ha is suitable for use in preventative programs, whereas the higher rate of 10 L/ha should be considered in curative situations.

Banner Maxx’s low odour and proprietary surfactant formulation, allows for improved plant safety and eliminates concerns with equipment corrosion.

  • Broad spectrum of major turf diseases including Anthracnose, Brown Patch, Dollar Spot, Fusarium Patch, Spring Dead Spot, Take All Patch and Helminthosporium Disease
  • The number 1 choice for effective Spring Dead Spot control
  • Fast absorption and even systemic movement combines to ensure effective “stopping power” for early curative situations
  • Tank mixture with DACONIL WEATHER STIK combines systemic and contact action
  • MAXX technology allows for excellent tank mix compatibility with other fungicides and foliar fertilisers
  • Low odour, non-staining formulation

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