Acelepryn Liquid 750ml


Acelepryn Liquid 750ml

$511.50 inc. GST

At 15ml per 100m2 – 750ml liquid will cover 5000m2 (0.5 ha)


Now available in 100ml

A new generation in turf insect control containing 200g/L of the active Chlorantraniliprole. Acelepryn offers a reliable option for the control of a range of scarabs, weevil, and caterpillars in turf with minimal environmental impact and excellent user safety characteristics.

15ml/100m2 prior to egg hatch for up to approx.  5-6 months protection.

Wash in approximately 6mm of rainfall or irrigation for larvae control.

Additional information

Weight 1 kg
Analysis: 200g/L ChlorantraniliproleProduct Details:

Now available in 100ml

A new generation in turf insect control containing 200g/L of the active Chlorantraniliprole. Acelepryn offers a reliable option for the control of a range of scarabs, weevil, and caterpillars in turf with minimal environmental impact and excellent user safety characteristics.

15ml/100m2 prior to egg hatch for up to approx.  5-6 months protection.

Wash in approximately 6mm of rainfall or irrigation for larvae control.

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