
When it comes to Warm season lawns, Spring is a season that both we and our lawns anticipate coming out of dormancy. However, it’s important to remember that lawn growth resuming in September is not as straightforward as it sounds. Several influences come into play that affect the growth rate and recovery of your lawn from dormancy.

The type of lawn you have plays a significant role. Different varieties have unique characteristics and respond differently to the changing conditions. The daily high and low temperatures have a direct impact on the soil temperature, which in turn influences the growth of the lawn.

Equally important are the remaining energy reserves in the root system. These reserves are influenced by both the amount of stress the lawn has endured during dormancy and how well it was prepared in Autumn. Adequate preparation in the preceding season will contribute to healthier and faster growth in Spring.

For Cool season lawns, the situation is somewhat different. Depending on your location, these lawns may have continued growing throughout the winter. However, as the warmer conditions arrive, their nutritional requirements increase, as the rate of growth accelerates. It is important to address the lawns nutritional needs, remembering to start water it appropriately, and ensure proper water distribution in the soil and to resume soil amendments to support healthy root systems.

Pests such as Black Beetle larvae and other insects become more active as the soil temperature rises also. Managing these pests and preventing diseases becomes essential during this time. To combat these challenges, it is recommended to use appropriate products that will help protect and nurture your lawn during Spring.

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