Post Emergent
- Post Emergent
Amgrow Winter Grass Killer 100ml
Winter Grass Killer for selective control of winter grass in many turf types.
Analysis: 175g/L EndothalPrice$24.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Bin- Die 100ml
A reliable broadleaf weeder containing Bromoxynil and MCPA, Safe for Buffalo lawns
Analysis: 200g/L Bromoxynil + 200g/L MCPAPrice$17.50 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Bow and Arrow
A selective broadleaf herbicide for most broadleaf weeds and safe for use on Buffalo
Analysis: 300g/L MCPA + 20g/L Clopyralid + 15g/L DiflufenicanPrice$35.00 – $55.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
BroadForce MA
BroadForce MA Selective Herbicide is a broadleaf herbicide containing 200g/L MCPA and 200g/L Bromoxynil.
Analysis: 200g/L Bromoxynil + 200g/L MCPAPrice$35.00 – $66.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Casper 1 kg
Casper, a unique herbicide containing dicamba and prosulfuron for the post emergent control of certain broadleaf weeds.
Analysis: 500g/kg dicamba, 50g/kg prosulfuronPrice$126.50 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Clear Up Bio
A non-selective herbicide containing 360g/L of Glyphosate for systemic control of a range of weeds...
Analysis: 360g/L GlyphosatePrice$39.00 – $230.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Coliseum Herbicide 25grams
Coliseum Herbicide (active constituent rimsulfuron) is registered for the control of Wintergrass & Ryegrass in Couch.
Analysis: 250 g/kg RIMSULFURONPrice$49.95 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Double Time
A trusted selective herbicide for most broadleaf weeds, not suitable for Buffalo varieties
Analysis: 80g/L Dicamba 340g/L MCPAPrice$38.50 – $330.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Fang 240 500ml
Fang is a specialised contact herbicide for the selective of Marshmallow and Annual Nettles in Turfed areas.
Analysis: 240 g/L CARFENTRAZONE-ETHYLPrice$105.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Javelin 10lt
A combination product containing MCPA, Clopyralid and Diflufenican. Provides outstanding control of the major broadleaf...
Analysis: 300g/L MCPA + 20g/L Clopyralid + 15g/L DiflufenicanPrice$210.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Metric 1 Ltr
Metric is a selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of Crowsfoot grass, Winter grassĀ and Summer grass.
Analysis: 400g/l MetribuzinPrice$135.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Monument Liquid 100ml
An early post-emergent and residual control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass, Bindii and many more weeds is Couch and Zoysia's
Analysis: 100g/L Trifloxysulfuron- sodiumPrice$214.50 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Nominee 500ml
Nominee is a post-emergent herbicide registered for the control of wintergrass in coolseason lawns.
Analysis: 100g/L bispryribac-sodiumPrice$215.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Odessa Herbicide 50 grams
For Post-Emergent Control of Certain Broadleaf and Grass Weeds in home lawns.
Analysis: 100 g/kg IODOSULFURON-METHYL-SODIUMPrice$98.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
PoaChek 1lt
For the selective control of annual winter grass in blue couch, common couch, bent, buffalo...
Analysis: 175g/L EndothalPrice$114.50 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Pro Force Duke 100 WG 100grms
Pro Force Selective Herbicide for control of many broadleaf and grass weeds in turf including Onion weed & Onion Grass
Analysis: 100g/kg Iodosulfuron methyl sodiumPrice$210.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Sedgehammer 25grm
For the post-emergence control of Nutgrass and Mullumbimby Couch in turf. Very safe on most turf species.
Analysis: 750g/Kg Halosulfuron-methylPrice$44.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Surefire Propyzamide 500 SC 1Ltr
Surefire Propyzamide 500 is a selective herbicide for use on Wintergrass in warm season grasses.
Analysis: 500g/L PropyzamidePrice$80.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Tribute 1lt
For the selective control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass and Crowsfoot in hybrid and common couch turf.
Analysis: 22.5g/L ForamsulfuronPrice$231.00 inc. GSTDetails