- Commercial Insecticides
Acelepryn Liquid 5ltr
A new generation in turf insect control containing 200g/L of the active Chlorantraniliprole. Acelepryn offers...
Analysis: 200g/L ChlorantraniliprolePrice$2,893.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
Acelepryn Liquid 750ml
Acelepryn offers a reliable option for the control of a range of scarabs, weevil, and caterpillars in turf
Analysis: 200g/L ChlorantraniliprolePrice$517.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Fungicides
Protected: Banner MAXX 5 Ltr
BANNER MAXX is an excellent choice to use early curatively, after first disease symptoms become evident.
Analysis: 155 g/L PropiconazolePrice$374.00 inc. GSTDetails - Pre Emergent
Barricade 5lt
A pre-emergent with extended residual activity on Winter Grass, Summer Grass and Crowsfoot in a range of turf species.
Analysis: 480g/L ProdiaminePrice$786.50 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Misc.
Big Foot Blue Spray Marker
A blue turf grass spray pattern indicator which allows accurate and economical application of chemicals....
Analysis: 93g/L Sulphonated Aromatic Acid DyePrice$35.00 – $300.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Bindii Killer 5 ltr
A reliable broadleaf weeder containing Bromoxynil and MCPA, Safe for Buffalo lawns
Analysis: 200g/L Bromoxynil + 200g/L MCPAPrice$187.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Casper 1 kg
Casper, a unique herbicide containing dicamba and prosulfuron for the post emergent control of certain broadleaf weeds.
Analysis: 500g/kg dicamba, 50g/kg prosulfuronPrice$126.50 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Clear Up Bio
A non-selective herbicide containing 360g/L of Glyphosate for systemic control of a range of weeds...
Analysis: 360g/L GlyphosatePrice$39.00 – $230.00 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Clear Up Bio 510 20lt
A non-selective water soluble herbicide for the control of a wide range of annual and perennial weeds
Analysis: 510g/L glyphosatePrice$275.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
Compel Pro (Bifenthrin)
Compel Pro for Bifenthrin knockdown control of a range of pests including Beetles, Army Worm and Ants in turf
Analysis: 100g/L BifenthrinPrice$210.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Destiny Herbicide 250grms
A selective turf herbicide containing 100g/kg of Iodosulfuron. Registered for the post-emergent control of certain...
Analysis: 100g/Kg IodosulfuronPrice$649.00 inc. GSTDetails - Pre Emergent
Dimension EW Herbicide 5 Litre
Dimension EW is a premium pre-emergent herbicide formulated to deliver exceptional weed control in turfgrass
Analysis: 240g/L DithiopyrPrice$835.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Double Time
A trusted selective herbicide for most broadleaf weeds, not suitable for Buffalo varieties
Analysis: 80g/L Dicamba 340g/L MCPAPrice$38.50 – $330.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Drive XL 5lt
Drive XL post-emergent herbicide, effectively controls white clover, summergrass and suppresses Kikuyu
Analysis: 180g/L quincloracPrice$412.50 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
DSMA Clear 10lt
For the control of Paspalum, Summer Grass , Mullumbimby Couch and other sedges in common couch, bent and fescue lawns
Analysis: 220g/L DSMAPrice$150.00 inc. GSTDetails - Straight Fertilisers
Epsom Salts / Magnesium Sulphate 25kg
Soluble form of magnesium sulphate for the correction of magnesium deficiencies in turf
Analysis: 9.8% Mg 13% SPrice$37.50 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Exonerate Herbicide 5 Ltr
Exonerate is a soluble liquid formulation that provides consistent and cost effective weed control in commercial areas
Analysis: 200g/L Glufosinate-ammoniumPrice$195.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Fang 240 500ml
Fang is a specialised contact herbicide for the selective of Marshmallow and Annual Nettles in Turfed areas.
Analysis: 240 g/L CARFENTRAZONE-ETHYLPrice$105.00 inc. GSTDetails - Amino Acid Products
Fertech Complete 200lt
A liquid turf fertiliser with a high N:K ratio and added iron for enhanced turf colour.
Analysis: NPK 18:0:12 +Fe 50% SRN +Amino AcidsPrice$1,695.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Bulk Fertilisers
Fertech Special FEX 200lt
Fertech Special FEX liquid fertiliser formulation combining effects of iron, manganese and nitrogen.
Analysis: 15-0-0 + 6%Fe & 2%MnPrice$1,075.00 inc. GSTDetails - Pre Emergent
Freehand Herbicide
Freehand pre emergent herbicide is labeled for the control over 60 of the toughest, most troublesome weeds.
Analysis: 10g/kg PENDIMETHALIN 7.5g/kg DIMETHENAMID-PPrice$46.00 – $357.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Fusilade Forte 1lt
A highly effective and rapidly absorbed selective herbicide designed to control both annual and perennial grasses.
Analysis: 128g/L Fluazifop-PPrice$175.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Garlon 600 5lt
NOT REGISTERED FOR TURF For the post-emergent control of a wide range of woody and...
Analysis: 600g/L TriclopyrPrice$315.00 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Glymac BiDri 800 (Glyphosate) 10kg
Glymac BiDri 800 is a super-concentrated, dry, water-soluble glyphosate herbicide for the toughest situations.
Analysis: 800 g/kg GlyphosatePrice$275.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Grazon Extra 5lt
NOT REGISTERED FOR TURF A multi-active herbicide containing Triclopyr, Picloram and Aminopyralid, for the control...
Analysis: 300g/L Triclopyr + 100g/L Picloram + 8g/L AminopyralidPrice$510.70 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Gusto 1 litre
Gusto is especially effective for controlling tough woody noxious weeds and many broadleaf leaf weeds too.
Analysis: 300 g/L TRICLOPYR 100 g/L PICLORAMPrice$95.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Fungicides
Protected: Headway MAXX 5 Ltr
Headway Maxx has the strength, longevity and broad spectrum of Heritage Maxx with the curative action of Banner Maxx
Analysis: 62g/l Azoxystrobin, 104g/l PropiconazolePrice$808.50 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
Initiator 3kg 1200 Tablets
Initiator systemic plant insecticide and fertiliser tablets. For rapid re-generation and establishment of trees
Analysis: 200 g/kg IMIDACLOPRID plus Slow release N,P,K,MgPrice$1,045.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
Initiator 750grms 300 Tablets
Initiator systemic plant insecticide and fertiliser tablets. For rapid re-generation and establishment of trees
Analysis: 200 g/kg IMIDACLOPRID plus Slow release N,P,K,MgPrice$306.50 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Fungicides
Protected: Instrata 10 Ltr
Instrata is excellent for use in a preventative program or curatively after first symptoms are evident with 3 AI's
Analysis: 362 g/LChlorothalonil57 g/LPropiconazole +14.5 g/LFludioxonilPrice$517.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Javelin 10lt
A combination product containing MCPA, Clopyralid and Diflufenican. Provides outstanding control of the major broadleaf...
Analysis: 300g/L MCPA + 20g/L Clopyralid + 15g/L DiflufenicanPrice$210.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
Malice Duo Advanced Miticide 1lt
Malice Duo Advanced Miticide is a suspension concentrate formulation, is registered for the control of Couch Mite
Analysis: Abamectin 18g/L and Clofentezine 187.5g/LPrice$220.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Misc.
Maxwet 5 litre
An economical option offering a wetter and surfactant properties, designed to overcome water repellence in...
Analysis: 70 g/L Nonyl Phenol Ethylene Oxide CondensatePrice$91.30 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Fungicides
Protected: Medallion 5Ltr
Medallion Turf Fungicide offers contact plus exceptional spore busting capabilities on the leaf, in the thatch, and soil
Analysis: 125g/l FludioxonilPrice$1,155.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Metric 1 Ltr
Metric is a selective post-emergent herbicide for the control of Crowsfoot grass, Winter grass and Summer grass.
Analysis: 400g/l MetribuzinPrice$135.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Monopoly 10lt
Monopoly is registered for the selective control of Crabgrass, Summergrass and Paspalum
Analysis: 720g/L MSMAPrice$175.00 inc. GSTDetails - Pre and Post Emergent
Protected: Monument Liquid 1 Litre
An early post-emergent and residual control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass, Bindii and many more weeds is Couch and Zoysia's
Analysis: 100g/L Trifloxysulfuron- sodiumPrice$1,375.00 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Monument Liquid 100ml
An early post-emergent and residual control of Winter Grass, Ryegrass, Bindii and many more weeds is Couch and Zoysia's
Analysis: 100g/L Trifloxysulfuron- sodiumPrice$214.50 inc. GSTDetails - Post Emergent
Nominee 500ml
Nominee is a post-emergent herbicide registered for the control of wintergrass in coolseason lawns.
Analysis: 100g/L bispryribac-sodiumPrice$215.00 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Numchuk Quad 1 Litre
Numchuk Quad is a non-selective knockdown and residual herbicide to provide effective post and pre-emergence control
Analysis: 100g/L Glyphosate, 60g/L Amitrole, 15g/L Oxyfluorfen and 350g/L TerbuthylazinePrice$92.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Bulk Fertilisers
Nutrafeed 20 25KG
NutraFeed 20 is a soluble crystalline fertiliser formulated for foliar application has an evenly balanced NK ratio
Analysis: 20% N, 4% P, 23% KPrice$143.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Bulk Fertilisers
Nutrafeed 23 25KG
NutraFeed 23 is a soluble crystalline fertiliser formulated for foliar application has an evenly balanced NK ratio
Analysis: 23% N, 4% P, 18% KPrice$143.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Bulk Fertilisers
Organic Xtra Premium Fertiliser 25kg
Organic Xtra is a premium organic garden fertiliser containing all natural ingredients.
Analysis: 4% N, 1.5% P, 3% K, 2.4% Ca, 1.3% SPrice$36.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
PoaChek 5lt
For the selective control of annual winter grass in blue couch, common couch, bent, buffalo...
Analysis: 175g/L EndothalPrice$495.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
Pride (Imidacloprid Insecticide)
For the systemic and selective control of first instar larvae of African Black Beetle, Argentinian Scarab and insects
Analysis: 200g/L ImidaclopridPrice$165.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Misc.
Primo Maxx Growth Regulator 1lt
An efficient and versatile turf growth regulator (PGR) that maximises turf quality, pre-conditions lawn for...
Analysis: 120g/L Trinexapac-ethylPrice$126.50 inc. GSTDetails - Pre and Post Emergent
Pronamide 5Ltr
Provides highly effective pre and post control of Winter Grass containing 500g/L Propyzamide.
Analysis: 500g/L PropyzamidePrice$425.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Misc.
Ryder Turf Pigment 1 ltr
Price$115.00 inc. GSTDetailsRyder® Turf Pigment is a green pigment for use on turf to improve its appearance and to help protect against UV.
- Commercial Misc.
Sharpening Backlapping Compound
Quality Silicon Carbide Backlapping compound, in small 250grm quantities in resealable tubs. At 120 grit...
Analysis: Silicon CarbidePrice$15.00 – $165.00 inc. GSTDetails - Amendments & Wetters
Sulphate of Potash (SoP) Granular
A granular form of potassium sulphate, ideal for supplying the plant with potassium and sulphur in turf
Analysis: 41.5% Potassium, 17.5% SulphurPrice$9.00 – $88.00 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Surefire Gamma Herbicide
Gamma provides consistent and cost effective weed control in commercial and industrial areas
Analysis: 200g/L Glufosinate AmmoniumPrice$55.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Surrender 10lt
A broad-spectrum moss killer containing 500g/L Benzalkonium Chloride. For the control of moss, algae and lichen.
Analysis: 500g/L Benzalkonium ChloridePrice$359.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
Taser PRO 800 WP Insecticide 150grms
TaserPRO 800 WP is a residual broad spectrum non-repellent insecticide for the treatment of Earthworms
Analysis: 800g/kg BendiocarbPrice$137.50 inc. GSTDetails - Non Selective Post Emergent
Trimac Residual Herbicide 1kg
TRIMAC is a knockdown and residual herbicide working in the soil to prevent weeds germinating.
Analysis: Terbacil - 880g/kg Sulfometuron Methyl - 40g/kgPrice$306.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Misc.
Umbrella 905 5lt
Umbrella 905 is a sticking/spreader extending agent for use with pesticides. When used as a...
Analysis: 905g/L di-1-p-MenthenePrice$181.50 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Fungicides
Protected: Velista 500g
Velista is a powerful broad spectrum fungicide that can be used all year round and can be trusted to work
Analysis: 500 g/kg PenthiopyradPrice$473.00 inc. GSTDetails - Commercial Insecticides
White/Horticultural Oil
An oil based insecticide containing 825g/L of petroleum oil and garden safe lubricant to protect garden equipment.
Analysis: 825g/L petroleum oilPrice$17.50 – $84.00 inc. GSTDetails - Selective Post Emergent
Xtron 700WG Herbicide 500grms
An Innovative new herbicide that is a game changer in the fight against Wintergrass in warm and coolseason grasses.
Analysis: 700g/kg AmicarbazonePrice$605.00 inc. GSTDetails